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The world module is responsible for displaying the color of the world the player is in

World overWorld netherWorld end


  1. If mode is specified incorrectly, the name mode is used
  2. If mode mode is specified as name and no world name is found, an empty string ("") is returned.

Module customization

ModeMode of checking the world by the name the player is instringtype/name
normalColor by world type "normal"string<player_prefix>&f<player_name_real><player_suffix>
netherType Color "nether"string<world_prefix><vault_prefix><stream_prefix>
the_endcolor by world type "the end"string<GRADIENT:11b8f0><player></GRADIENT:87cee6>
CustomCustom World Colorstring<afk_suffix><vault_suffix>
worldColor by world name "world"string<afk_suffix><vault_suffix>
world_netherColor by world name "the_nether"string<afk_suffix><vault_suffix>
world_the_endColor by world name "the_end"string<afk_suffix><vault_suffix>